28th congress EASTLOG, May 29–30, 2025

Martin Štrupl, eD group

managing partner

Martin Štrupl, eD group

managing partner

Martin Štrupl has more than 20 years of experience in top management positions including many years spent in logistics and supply chain. He currently works as the managing partner of eD group, which he joined in 2019. Before that, he worked for almost 15 years for the company Hamé (today Orkla Foods Czechia and Slovakia), including seven years as CEO and eight years as director of logistics, distribution, and purchasing. He also dealt with logistics as a manager in the years 2001–2003 at the Norske Skog paper mills. At the turn of the millennium, he acted as a purchasing and logistics manager at Bratři Horákové. He graduated from the University of Economics in Prague (business management and marketing) and received an MBA from the Business School Nederland.