28th congress EASTLOG, May 29–30, 2025

Responsibility not only in diapers, a.k.a. Drylock bets on a shuttle system

Responsibility not only in diapers, a.k.a. Drylock bets on a shuttle system

In 2012, Drylock Technologies, which specializes in the production of hygiene products, established its flagship production plant on a green field in Hrádek nad Nisou. Since then, it has been constantly expanding in terms of production and storage capacities. One of the warehouse technologies is the Radioshuttle system from Toyota Material Handling CZ. The shuttle has a capacity of 15,000 pallet positions and an allocated storage capacity of another 25,000 pallet positions, so this is a very extensive application of this warehouse solution for high-density storage. Drylock’s voluminous production requires sophisticated logistics and places high demands on handling flexibility. The installed Radioshuttle system is used to the maximum.